Week of theaterSo as I was browsing the local paper last Thursday and saw a not so local high school was putting on Cinderella and another more local school was putting on Beauty and the Beast. I've been meaning to take the kids to live performances but have missed the ones that I thought they'd do well at. So Thursday night I let Mia choose what she wants to see and she picks Cinderella since she saw Beauty and the Beast at
WDW. Mason wanted to come too and since Mike was sick in bed I took both kids to get some culture. Let's just say there won't be any American Idols coming out of that school. In the opening act everyone pretty much had a role to say or sing and it was G** awful! (See how I tried not to take the Lord's name in vain there:) Just attended the
reconcilatory mass last night so I can be better than sinning the day after I was absolved.
Yay me!) Anyway, the kids really seemed to enjoy it. After talking to some people Friday day and hearing the Beauty and the Beast show was supposed to be good.... I packed up the family and dragged them to that show Friday night. It was the last performance so it was then or never. Mike was less than thrilled to be going since it was the first nice day all winter and I was dragging him to an indoor event but he eventually got over it. I think. When we arrived the show was sold out but they sold us tickets and let us sit in the balcony. We couldn't really see that well from a couple of rows back so the kids went up to the railing and sat on the floor. It was really very good... just a little long. The show started at 7pm and it was about 10pm when we left. Below is a picture of the kids pressing their little faces between the railings to see.

So we pretty much had a filled weekend. Thursday-Cinderella, Friday- Beauty and the Beast, Saturday- Christie/Mia had a tea party to attend and Mason/Mike went to an Outdoor Expo in Grand Rapids and saw the St.
Patricks day parade. Then we arrived home around the same time and the kids were invited to a bowling birthday party (last minute) so we went to that too. Sunday- of course there's mass and then after lunch we went out to our friend's farm. They will be watching the beast for us when we go to Florida so we brought him out to get him
acquainted with the farm. They have 2 horses, a goat, a chicken (that's all that's left) and some cats. I'm just tired. Yesterday was a blur in the morning, the running errands while the kids were at school, then home to finish St Pat's dinner (corn beef and cabbage) and then dragging the kids back out so we could go to mass. Today was no rest either. Mike got me up in the morning to run and then it was out the door to take the kids to their last swim class this season. Running late from that it was lunch at
McD's and then off to preschool. Then I got to grocery shop which always takes me FOREVER and by the time I got home fed me, put away the groceries, it was off to pick up the kids again. I have to say
McD's put me on the spot today. Usually, if I have to do
McD's.... I buy an EV meal like the 10 piece chicken nuggets or 2 cheeseburger meal. I get the coke for me and then go home divide up the meal between the kids and give them milk. Yes, it's all because I'm a cheap bast*** (you can fill in the rest without me actually swearing). This time I go through the drive
thru with my plan set in my head, look at the order menu and see Happy Meals are Disney Pirates & Princess. Plus there's a chance in each Happy Meal that you may win a "Dream Vacation". Well we are going to Disney pretty soon so why not. I hand the kids their respective meals as we pull away from the window.
Mason- You got us toys? (In total disbelief)
Mia- You got me a juice box?...Wow, I got a wand!
Mason- I, I, I, (stuttering because he's so excited) got a skeleton guy with swords.
Mom was loved today so Mom is happy.
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