We went to Deanna's Playhouse because Ms. Arts is now there and they painted pumpkins. Mia has been begging me to let her paint her pumpkin (she was adamant she didn't want to carve this year) and I kept putting her off because I didn't want to deal with the mess. Thank you Ms. Arts! The kids love playing at the playhouse but I don't go all that often because of the cost and their hours (10-3). Ms. Arts kept the playhouse open until 5pm and told me she'll open the playhouse earlier if I want.... just call her. I just may do that for the Moms group sometime. We've talked about going there more but when they open at 10am and most people had to leave by 11-ish to pick up a child at preschool.... well it just wasn't worth the $5 admission for an hour. Yes, they charge the parents too. I digress. We had a great time. This was after a great time at my friend's house for a playdate. The kids had a full day. They still have a cough now and then but I think they're non-contagious and on their way to being healthy.
Oh, and just to note Mason was in the car for about 6 hours today and kept his pants dry. I'm so happy I could cry.