Monday, July 14, 2008

Mia's Mini Me

OK, didn't add the bow to the pettiskirt because I discovered I suck at making big bows. I thought since I can make hairbows just tying a bow for a skirt will be easy. Not! I did however make a pettiskirt for her doll with the left over scraps. It's kind of short and I was NOT going to attempt that last ruffle in mini size. Mia was thrilled with her little look alike. When I posed the question "where will Mia where this?" Apparently the answer was: to walk to Walgreens pushing her doll in a stroller wearing the same skirt. She even picked out the bowflops I made to finish off her outfit. Aren't we fancy. I keep mulling over making another one and doing the double ruffle, changing up the color and trying to sell them. I'm afraid I'd just be wasting a lot of time though.

I got a phone call this afternoon from the newspaper telling me Mia won 3rd place for a coloring contest. We need to go to the Alpenrose tomorrow at 2pm so she can get her picture taken for the paper and get a prize. I'm guessing that not a lot of kids entered. Her coloring started off good but then there was a lot of black and scribbling. When she brought it to me to send in I said: Mia what's this? It looks good here but this just looks like scribble. Mia: Yeah, well I had to hurry to finish it up so I could be done with it. So I sent it off anyway. Funny!

Also to add to the fun of my life I discovered that Mia left the freezer door ajar last night when she got her dessert out. I discovered this around noon today. All the ice cream, Popsicles, etc. are garbage and some of my meat thawed. Guess, I have a lot of cooking to do tomorrow.