Good Friday
My mom was going to come visit Friday yesterday but due to a very sick dog (he's been at the vet ALL week) didn't come in case it wasn't good news when they called.
Sooo, since Mike had the day off too we went to
Meijer Gardens to see the butterflies. Around 11am or so it started snowing and we probably got around a foot of snow here. IT SUCKS! It was wild to be in this really warm atrium with butterflies, flowers, waterfalls and tropical plants and see the snow falling on the other side of the glass. We love going to see the butterflies every year and always take a ton of pictures. What do I do with the pictures of all the butterflies and flowers I take, um... nothing but nevertheless it still happens.

We usually take the time to walk around and look at the art both inside and outside too as they have a really nice outside area but it was too
freakin' cold. I mean I barely survived the biting cold walk/run from the car and back. It took us well over an hour to get home as there were cars off the road everywhere and the average speed on the highway was 30 mph. There was a lot of crazy drivers... the ones that get so freaked out driving during a snow storm that they are more likely in reality to cause the accident then stay out of one by hitting their brakes to try to slow down and drive 30 mph in the passing lane. Mike says
everytime, "I bet you it's a woman." I gave up being offended because every time we drove by and I looked.... it was.
Happy Easter!