Earlier in the summer Mia had admired various girls she saw wearing eye shadow. She was enthralled by the look. I had told her then she had to be older then her cousin Lauren (who's 15) before she can wear eye shadow. Lauren was visiting when I told her and I pointed out how Lauren didn't wear it even though she's 15. Skip to yesterday. It was a parent visitation day at Mia & Mason's school and Sarah (a girl Mia talks about FREQUENTLY) came and sat to work at the desk next to Mason. Mia was standing on the other side of me and we noticed that Sarah was doing double digit addition. Mia says, "Is Sarah older than Lauren?" I think she's asking this because of the difficulty of the math and I answer, "no". Mia: "Then why does she get to have painted eyes?" I look at Sarah and then notice that she is indeed wearing eye shadow. I say, "Well, maybe they have different rules in Sarah's house." Wow, I was blindsided by that one and not sure what to say. Why am I having to worry about make-up at 4-years old?
Today after lunch Mia and Mason went into Mia's room to play and it was quiet for a while. Never a good sign. So I open the door and Mason is playing nicely (as nice as boys play) on the floor and here is Mia......
I didn't fly off the handle and to be honest I don't remember what I said but she went into the bathroom about 15 minutes later and washed it off. By herself! What Mike and I can't figure out is how did she do it? Did she use a mirror or just free-hand it. Pretty good actually for 4. So when we have our girls' day I will probably let her wear some eye shadow for a "special occasion". I told Mia when she cuts her hair for "Locks of Love" we will do a special girls' day.