Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm over Grey's but then I'm not

OK, with the last few season of Grey's Anatomy last season I told myself, "I'm over Grey's". I'm carrying a lot of tension right now for some reason, my shoulders are just so tight they just ache. I let Mike finish putting the kids to bed tonight and I took a bath to relax. Of course, Mason wandering in and trying to touch my boob wasn't so relaxing but they were finally put to bed and I was left alone. As I'm soaking I hear the end of Survivor on the TV and remember the Grey's premiere is on. Well, you guessed it I hurried up and got out to go watch. Why? I'm telling myself to just stop watching but for some reason I can't. What a waste. I did flip through a magazine at the same time so I guess in a way I was multi-tasking.
Yesterday, I tried Edy's Take the Cake ice cream I thought it would have bits of cake in it but it didn't. It really did taste like cake with frosting, sprinkles, and ice cream. Me and the kids gave it 2 thumbs up, Mike wasn't as impressed. Yes, this is what I have going on in my life: reviewing ice cream flavors. Don't worry until I start reviewing hard liquor on a daily basis.