Hangin' in the hood
Mason likes his "fire" hat so much he has taken to wearing it all the time. He's like a little gangsta' just kickin back with his pants hanging low. (That would be because the kid doesn't eat and is barely on the charts anymore for his age)
He is like his Dad in the fact that he likes cereal for any meal. He is a breakfast guy while me and Mia could really pass on breakfast. (unless it's bacon, who doesn't love bacon). Mia on the other had is all noodles all the time. We went to a Tea party Saturday morning and while there was cinnamon rolls, monkey bread, cookies, quiche, etc.... what does my little girl want? You got it 2 helpings of pasta salad. She's like me in the sense that I'll pass on something really sweet and stick with the appetizers. However she's not like me since she can handle 4 helpings of spaghetti and still be rail thin.
Anyway, picture of me and Mia Saturday morning.