Friday, January 23, 2009


Since I have blogged so infrequently lately I was wondering what I should blog about. Should I blog about coming up with a plan for Mia's birthday? Should I blog about Mason's birthday or Christmas? (since I've yet to do that) Should I blog about me and Rachelle almost getting our a** kicked last night? (not really)
Then I was provided with new material.
The neighbor had come over this morning to get Mike because he couldn't start his car. I hear Mike saying something to Mia before he goes out the door to help, "....that's not good is it? I need to go help him."
Minutes later I'm in the garage foraging the freezer out there for some breakfast food and come in to see Mia on the phone saying, "386 Winterpine Way". She does know how to answer the phone so I say, "Mia, who are you talking to?"
Mia: 911
So I grab the phone and see 911 dialed on the display........I hold up the phone, "Hello".
Good God there is a voice on the other line. "Hello, this is 911."
Me: OMG, I'm so sorry....
911: She said someone was stuck in his truck and couldn't get out...
Me: Yes, my husband went to help the neighbor start his car.....I'm so sorry.....I think she was just practicing...
911: How old is she?
Me: 5, I'm so sorry but we're fine here.
911: OK. Have a good day.

Now I'm trying to explain what constitutes a call to 911 to Mia. Death, Fire, someone really hurt, etc. She got a look on her face like she was going to cry because she thought I was really mad. I told her it's great that she knows how to dial 911, knows her address and I'm really proud that she did it right but we can get in trouble if we call and it's not an emergency....

I'm awake now. All this entertainment before 8am.