It starts the first week of October and there is a knock at the door, no one is there, and boo! You've got candy. A bag/box/plate of Halloween treats from an anonymous neighbor rests on the stoop. The kids are excited, the parents... um not so much but we still eat the treats, and then Mom starts to stress because that basket means one thing:You've been boo'ed. Now, you have to boo two of your neighbors, too. Next comes the work of passing on the boo. There is the ghost to trace onto poster-board, the basket to buy and fill with treats - and this cannot be candy corn. It requires a trip to the store for some "good" treats and heaven help you if the person who boo'ed you upped the ante and actually used the oven.
Up to $45 later (slight overstatement), it seems being boo'ed has become a bit of a bother but you can't blow off the boo for fear of being un-neighborly. Did I mention the part where since the kids are little it requires us to ring the doorbell and run away. That's the part I hate the most. I would gladly walk over a treat to a neighbors house but now you want me creeping around the neighborhood like a juvenile delinquent pulling pranks. I swear from now on, I'm targeting the neighbors that don't have kids to spread the fun around (insert evil laugh).
Today, Mia getting better.... Mason just getting full swing into being sick.