Mia's last day of soccer was last night and it made me think of a video I shot last week. I was taking pictures of Mia and "her girls" at soccer and noticed Mason eyeing up his "girl". The last couple of weeks while Mia was in her soccer class Mason was entertained by two other little girls who must have had a sibling in Mia's class. They chased each other the whole time. The last 10 minutes of the class they let the parents and siblings come in to play. (This is the reason Mason has to go every week. He LOVES those 10 minutes). So while I'm looking for my kid's to take pictures I see Mason look for his girl and then beeline for her. Watch the video.
Also, when I was at Soccer I was the worst parent in the world. Every week Mason would end up hurting himself and some other adult would come to me carrying my crying child. Last week, he was playing with one of my friend's older son, Alex, (8) when Alex came running around the corner to tell me Mason needed me. As I'm calmly walking to where Alex came from... Alex, says "he fell on his head, he's hurt". Now I'm running. As I turn the corner there's a man surrounded by a bunch of other adults holding Mason as Mason is crying. I retrieve my child and am comforting him as Alex tells me they were at the top of the bleachers and Mason tripped then fell headfirst off the bleachers and onto the cement. He had just a little cut on his cheek and was fine minutes later. I can't believe he was so lucky. Later the same night he's playing with "his girls" on the bleachers and I tell him to get down, be careful. He says, "so I don't hurt the other cheek?" How about so you don't crack your head open! (I didn't say that just thought it). Yesterday, I'm talking to my friend while Mason is playing on the stairs (just 3 of them) about four feet away from me. All of a suddent this lady walks up to us carrying Mason and says, "is this your son?". She tells me he was stuck in the railing. Are you kidding me? Thank goodness soccer is over. I don't know if Mason could have survived it much longer.
Mia and her girls, Abby and Alyssa.