Thursday, August 14, 2008

The infamous duck story

My friend's son Brandon thought this story was funny anyway. We were at our Moms and Tots playdate at the park and Mia comes running over with a grasshopper that she had caught. I was telling the other moms how Mia just loves to pick up insects and animals. Last Sunday we found a Praying Mantis in our driveway and Mia of course had to scoop him up. She wasn't allowed to keep him though as I hadn't seen a Praying Mantis in a long time therefore they're special. I also told them how the last time we were at Dutch Village Mia just walked up to a duck and picked it up. Mia wasn't believing us that ducks don't like to be picked up and walked around with him for what seemed like a really long time. A long time for me was probably an eternity for the duck.