What the ....?
Mike had to get up and leave for Plymouth at 4:30 this morning and for some reason I was awake. He kissed me goodbye and headed down the hall to look in on the kids..... he turns back, "Uh, Christie, this is a huge mess!" I get up and go look. Both kids are asleep up on Mia's bunkbed, totally naked and COVERED with marker(s). Apparently, Mia tried to make Mason a skeleton and herself a kitty. She even colored inside their ears!

The pictures don't do it justice. It was all over their backs and legs not to mention other areas. I put them in the bathtub when they woke up and their is still faint markings visible. Especially on their faces. Makes going out in public that much more fun. I did try to run a lot of errands today and it mostly went well but Mason lost a shoe in Meijer. This is the same Meijer that threw away his mitten this past winter so I'm afraid to call ahead and ask if they found it. If they take it out and hold it for me..... that's how the mitten got tossed. Can you tell I'm still a little ticked about that?