Sunday, September 30, 2007

Art Thief

Out of the blue Friday morning Mia grabs some of my cards and comes back and tells me I have to mail them. She did Ariel for her friend Bailey (her cousin) and another um well abstract for Parker (also her cousin). So of course we put them in envelopes and seal them up but I didn't mail them. The drawing of Ariel is the best (in my opinion) that she's done so far so I'm keeping it to be put aside with the other "mementos" I keep for her. Well, I guess I could keep the scanned image and send the cards. That would really be the right thing to do. Why doesn't the "right thing" to do ever enter my mind first?

Just got back from a weekend away, I'll post more on that later. I'm convinced I have the worst luck ever but at least I've got my sanity.?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm over Grey's but then I'm not

OK, with the last few season of Grey's Anatomy last season I told myself, "I'm over Grey's". I'm carrying a lot of tension right now for some reason, my shoulders are just so tight they just ache. I let Mike finish putting the kids to bed tonight and I took a bath to relax. Of course, Mason wandering in and trying to touch my boob wasn't so relaxing but they were finally put to bed and I was left alone. As I'm soaking I hear the end of Survivor on the TV and remember the Grey's premiere is on. Well, you guessed it I hurried up and got out to go watch. Why? I'm telling myself to just stop watching but for some reason I can't. What a waste. I did flip through a magazine at the same time so I guess in a way I was multi-tasking.
Yesterday, I tried Edy's Take the Cake ice cream I thought it would have bits of cake in it but it didn't. It really did taste like cake with frosting, sprinkles, and ice cream. Me and the kids gave it 2 thumbs up, Mike wasn't as impressed. Yes, this is what I have going on in my life: reviewing ice cream flavors. Don't worry until I start reviewing hard liquor on a daily basis.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Almost a cheerleader

Just finished the sewing. I did a pretty piss-poor job but again with the attitude, it's just dress-up. I'll be embroidering the Ohio State logo on the front to finish it off. Does Ohio State have a one-legged cheerleader?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Good news then Bad again

Today started out a little glum since I was bummed about the washing machine but Mike took the day off today. We planned on going to lunch after I dropped the kids off at preschool this afternoon and just hanging out and relaxing for those few hours that we're kid free. We decided that since the washing machine seemed to work fine that I might as well try to use it again. So I loaded the machine this morning and decided to check under the rubber "gasket" that's between the drum and the door (we have a front loader) one more time. This time I found a child's plastic hanger wedged in there! So great news actually that the washer wasn't really broke. Lucky that it didn't damage the rubber too. I remember what I wrote last night and think, "maybe I will go get a pedicure now that I don't have to pay for repair service".
Since Mike was home I left Mia home with him and took Mason to Kindermusik. He did so much better in class today. His attention was focused to the class instead of what his sister might be doing in the other room. Still a good day. I get to my car and start to drive across the parking lot to the exit. Something doesn't feel right. I stop right where I'm at (right in the middle of the parking lot), get out to do a walk around and find that I have a TOTALLY flat tire. The tire is 3 years old and blew out. What luck. It is lucky though that my cell phone was actually charged and Mike was at home to come help (rescue) me. My friend Laura sees me and stays with me until Mike comes. Thanks Laura! It's now about 11:30 I'm still in the parking lot and I realize I have to feed my kids lunch, pick up snacks from home (it's my week to bring snacks for school) and get my kids to the school by 12:15. Stress!
Mike and I still did lunch but after running around so much. I sat down for literally 5 min. before I had to go pick the kids up again.
I've decided. Even though I have to buy a new tire, I'm getting a pedicure soon. Now who can I talk into going with me since I hate doing things like that by myself. Laura? you in?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sooo Tired

Just really tired today. I had a ton of Ebay auctions going between me and my mother and they either ended last night or tonight. Ebay is just sooo much work sometimes. It doesn't help that I sold a 60 lb subwoofer and I've got to get it packed in a box to ship overnight and at the present I don't have a box. Ughhhh.
Mike and I also had headaches from the time we woke up today. So beautiful day but both of us were just trying to get the kids to let us nap. I feel so bad that we didn't really do more with the kids today. What will their childhood memories be? Mommy and Daddy lying around while they play by themselves in the house? Hopefully they forget these times, I wish I would. I always carry a lot of guilt. Not necessarily from something I did but things I didn't do.
To top off the day I was doing my last (3rd) load of laundry for the night (I have lots more to do tomorrow) and the washer starts making a horrendous noise on the spin cycle. Great! Bought a top of the line washer/dryer after we got married so it's almost 6 years old. I just hate spending the money for that kind of stuff when we never spend any money on ourselves. When you think of all the things you could have had with that money: a pedicure, massage, clothes,......Of course I hardly ever spend money on myself anyway but I think that I would if I didn't have to spend it on this now. That's how my mind works.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Warm & Fuzzy

Today has been a pretty bad day so far with the kids so I'm trying to keep reliving the "warm & fuzzy" moment. When I pick them up from preschool sometimes they're playing outside and it's that moment when they turn and see you. In that instant their whole face(s) lights up and you know that they're genuinely happy to see you. I am loved. Of course, that moment is fleeting but it happens everytime.

For today I'm trying to hang on until tonight for my "ladies night out". I so need some girl time! Who would have ever have thought the day would come when I needed girl time. Motherhood seems at times to be a kind of sorority and us moms are pledges going through some insane hazing ritual. A toast to the moms! I'll drink one for us all tonight.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Doggy Love

What did Mike bring me back from Japan?

The Humping Dog of course! This is what I call "Classy with a K" so Klassy. Just plug him into your USB port and watch him make sweet love to your computer. To his credit he also brought me back some really nice silk pajamas but of course I can't get my sorry a$$ in them. He kept saying, "Christie, those were really expensive" as if saying that to me was going to magically melt the fat of my body. It looks like he might get the chance to take them back though seeing is how they're talking about sending him again in about a month.
I must have pushed too much last time because he said I could get the kid's passports and we could hang out in Japan. Of course, it takes 6-8 weeks minimum to get their passports so it looks like we'll have to wait to the trip after (if there is one). My family in Japan has never met the kids and I like to get over there while their still cute and little. There's already too much sass starting to emerge from my oldest's mouth. Plus, I want them to see a different world than just "Dutch America".

Monday, September 17, 2007

Parent medieval torture device

This is what the kids wanted to do. Mike and I both can't do the "spinny" stuff anymore and try to talk the other into riding for the "kid's sake". It's a wonder what we won't do for our kids. I know if I get on the flying swings that I'm going to get a headache that's going to ruin me for the rest of the day. Once in a while a miracle happens and I get off unscathed but rarely. My wonderful husband had the great idea of asking 2 older boys further back in line if they would ride with our kids. They went for it, SUCKER! They were really nice kids too, go figure. Kid's that age usually annoy me but I could actually converse with these boys. Amazing! Of course, in the slide line I almost tore into some little girl (I think she was about 7) and her friends for totally being a b**** to Mia. I've been known to yell at little kids in the play area at the mall for being mean to my girl, just step off sista.
Why is it that when I tell anyone that I can't do the "spinny" stuff anymore or that I'm afraid of heights, they all have the same answer? "What, you're the pilot right?" You know I can't really say I enjoyed doing spins in the plane either. Now to address the fear of heights. It's all about control baby. When I'm in a plane and something happens for the most part (short of my wings falling off) I have control over the airplane and therefore have a say in my fate. Now, should I fall from the roof of a 10 story building..... no control. Get it now?


I'm pretty tired and can't really think of anything to say with this picture. What does Spiderman say anyway? Is there a catch phrase? Thought he looked really cool even when he'd been wiping his face already. Maybe I'll come back and edit this post later today.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Shinkansen in Holland

Mike came home all kinds of gifts for the kids. Thomas has been one-upped here with the arrival of the Shinkansen. Pretty much that is all the kids want to do all day. Mason also got a GI Joe (the 12 in. old-school kind). They don't sell them anymore here unless you buy on-line or Ebay. Mia has been in to her Barbies lately and since Mason likes to play with Mia this was Mike's way of preempting the arrival of Ken.

I did get to the Orchard and the Festival yesterday, two out of three is pretty good.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Stuff I want

I don't know how I come across this stuff but of course I want it. I think it is related to the fact that my mother is sucked into buying every "as-seen-on-TV" gadget, it must be genetic. I do realize these things are frivilous so I have to justify my wants. Such as.... Mia will not eat a banana that you've packed once it's been a little bruised or mushed. Enter the banana saver to save the day. Then of course, there's the cup-a-cake for the times I'll be packing a cupcake in a lunch. A necessity really. I've been eyeing them for a while and searching the internet to see if I can find them cheaper. You know as soon as I buy one it will be in the dollar store weeks later. Such is life.

There is so much I want to do today: farmer's market, , apple orchard, church festival, etc. Notice I did not say "watch football". Hmmmm! What expresses mourning more than black?
Little Miss Fancy Pants

Finished Mia's Jasmine costume (all except the headband). I had a little bit of a bad attitude doing it, I'd screw up and then just leave it since it's just Halloween/dress-up. So no, it's not perfect but it works.
She is not happy about the fact that the sleeves are sewn onto the top. The "real" Jasmine sports an off-the-shoulder top and she keep trying pull her top down to show some skin. Diva!

I wish boys Halloween costumes would be as easy to pick out. Let's face it shopping for boys totally sucks. The variety and "cuteness" just isn't there and they're so much more expensive then girl clothes. We're still trying to talk him into being a Jasmine's tiger for Halloween. He really likes The Genie but I have no idea how to pull that one off.

Public Enemy Dogg

Barley has been my arch nemesis the past two weeks. Actually, he's been really good but those moments when he's not..... He is starved for attention! I feel bad that I don't have the time to give just him but hey, I have 2 kids to take care of. When we sat down to watch a movie yesterday he was literally trying to knock the kids out of the way so he could snuggle up to me. Dude, I know you're needin' some lovin' but knocking my children down isn't exactly endearing.

Mike says when I'm home I should tie him up out front (instead of putting him in his kennel) because he likes to see what's going on. This is what's going on.


I think he might just die of excitement when Mike returns.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Public Urination

Pretty busy day today running around for me and the kids. After I picked them up from preschool we went to Walgreens to pick up my free printer cartridge refill (I love free). I decided today that since Mike was away I deserved some treats and went to the Halloween aisle to get some candy corn. I figured it wouldn't kill me for once to give in to whatever Holiday "spirit" is ongoing at the moment and just buy it. Yes, I'm the parent that usually deprives my did of candy. They never knew of the existence of 80% of the junk out there until they could "talk" to other kids. Anyway, back to Walgreens. They have the candy on one side and the Halloween costumes/decorations on the other. While I'm trying to decide between caramel candy corn, caramel apple candy corn, plain candy corn, the mix, etc" (I went for the caramel candy corn) I hear Mia whispering to Mason. I catch something about the scary man going to get you.... and then blood-curdling screaming and crying. Now I have to carry the boy all over the store and he will not let me walk anywhere near that aisle. Tough to avoid when it's in the middle of the store. I remember something that I wanted to check out and realize it's on the other side of the store past the SCARY aisle. Knowing I'm never going to get the boy past the aisle again, I put him down by the cart. I tell the kids it's their job to watch the cart and I'll be right back. I don't really get 10 steps away when I hear the crying again. Mason is literally shaking and I'm wondering what in the world Mia could have possibly have said to him until I see the yellow puddle on the floor. He was sooo upset, I just felt so bad for him.
Skip to tonight when he tells me he has to go potty and does. I do the whole get excited thing, dance around and sing "poo poo in the potty". The boy looked at me like I had just lost my flippin mind. Maybe it takes the embarrassment of public urination to make potty training more successful.

Oh yes, and today aside from the usual misbehavior that comes with any store outing was relatively a good day. I'm still loved at bedtime.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

You are the best Mommy,
You are the meanest.

Every day I get to start anew. When I wake up my darling daughter in the morning I get to hear things like: "you are the best Mommy ever", "Mommy I love you so much", and "you are my most favorite Mommy". Somewhere between morning and afternoon though my status changes to: "YOU ARE SO MEAN" and "I don't like you anymore". Maybe I should start tracking this to see if I can pinpoint the exact "witching hour". After I have transformed into the witch I also get to hear things like, "I'm going to tell Daddy to unmarry you" and "I love Daddy so much and not you." I thought when I became a SAHM there would be more rewards such as bonding. After all I have special time with my children that working moms are deprived of and the princess will be starting Kindergarten next year. This is supposed to be cherished time...... and yet I feel so depriving and unappreciated. At least when I wake up tomorrow I'll be the best Mommy ever if only for a few hours.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Monsters, Inc.

Well, I thought tonight would be a relatively easy night since the kids had baths last night. Yeah right. After I went up to see why it was taking so long to get PJs on I found Mia applying marker around her lips like lipstick. Then I noticed Mason was kind of shiny. He had glitter lip gloss all over his face, neck and hair. That stuff is greasy and impossible to get off. I don't think it's even all gone, even after another bath. They are pretty wound-up and didn't cooperate with the video to well. Mike we miss you, especially me!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Good Night Daddy

Love from home!

Mean Streak
Since the hubby is on the world-wide business trip (Mexico-China-Japan) the in-laws stopped by yesterday afternoon to give me a little break from the kids. While I was out running errands (kid-free) Grandma took the kids outside and they were collecting acorns. Grandpa stayed inside to watch some sports on TV, Good Thing. I guess my lovely 4-year old daughter snuck back in the house and closed all the doors and locked them. A little attempt to lock Grandma out of the house. Soooo, at dinner later that evening my FIL says, "she's got a little mean streak doesn't she". He tells me the story as he catches her trying to lock little brother in the basement.
At any rate, at least school starts for them next week. If it wasn't for that I think I would need to get the "happy" drugs that my husband soooo thinks I need.
I'm wondering if I dare try to watch a little football today. Should I wear black?

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Just testing out the video option. I think Mia's curtsey at the end reminds me of Elaine dancing on Seinfeld.

Football is Dead

Mike thinks it's hilarious. All summer I was saying how I couldn't wait for football season to start. Collegiate football is my absolute favorite sport to watch. I actually forgot it kicked off last weekend and missed watching the game. We remembered at about 5ish and turned on the TV and started watching the scores, highlights, games in progress, etc. Then Mike said it. NOOOO! I told him to turn the TV off, "Football is Dead". He just cracks up but you didn't even get to watch one game.... you were so excited. It's Dead I tell you. I need time to mourn.