Monday, June 30, 2008

Mia's Sherbert is now Mia's Sunshine

As I stated before I just wasn't crazy on the name "Sherbert". So I kept trying..... how about: honey, Riley, um.... cinnamon, paprika (anything orange, yellow)....amber? No, No and No. Mia wasn't having it. Then the other night Mason was goofing around, "Good night honey"...."Good night pumpkin"...."Good night sunshine."
Mia: Sunshine? I like sunshine. OK, we'll name her sunshine.

Mason is very excited that he came up with the name and Mia gives him the props for it. Sunshine?..... How come I didn't think of that? I used to sing both of them "you are my sunshine" all the time when they were babies and I didn't think of it. Funny.

In other news, Mia had a swollen foot Saturday morning from what appears to be a mosquito bite. I'm talking swollen like her foot almost looked like it was going to pop. We tried everything Benedryl, Motrin, topical extra-strength Benedryl, soaking it, ice.... nothing helped. So last night I say, "If it's not gone tomorrow we're going to the doctor". Really, it's not like the swelling went down and came back..... it never went down. So last night after her bath the swelling finally went down. It looks better this morning too. The mosquitoes are HORRIBLE here. We've been holing up inside because of them. Even with repellent or citronella candles nothing seems to work. Let's hope we survive the weekend without looking like some kind of pincushion.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Great Bible Reef

That was the theme for Vacation Bible School this year. They lowered the age to 3 this year so I signed Mason up. He stayed 3 out of the 5 days. Hey, I'll take that least I got to grocery shop by myself.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mia's Sherbert

Mike finally agreed to let us have a cat last year and after our vacation this April we started "looking". We wanted one with a unique coloring and we wanted it to be small. Since every male cat I've owned have had urinary tract issues I was leaning toward a female.... We've looked at a lot of cats and kittens and I found a couple on petfinder that I wanted to get. Both times I called but by the time I drove over there the cat was adopted. Since we were going to visit my parents last weekend I decided to try their zip code on We saw a cat we like. I decided not to call ahead as that hasn't worked out for me and since it was right of the highway we stopped in on our way. She was there and now she is ours. She is 1 year old and 4.5 lbs. Everything worked out: nice coloring, small, female... it was fate.

I'm not crazy about the name but Mia says she wants to keep it. Sherbert was checked out by our vet yesterday and all is well. The poor thing hides into the tiniest spaces though as Mia is constantly picking her up. Hopefully Mia and Mason don't make her a "scaredy cat".

Monday, June 23, 2008

Mia's Pictures Part 1

First we had pictures at home which included Mason, Me, Mike and Barley. There were lots of shots of dolls, toys, the TV (if it was something she liked) and even Mason's mac n' cheese at lunch. Pictures during the car ride.... pictures inside the stores (Target & Meijer)...... pictures at the zoo.......

Friday, June 20, 2008


What I made over my free weekend. No, it didn't take the whole weekend and I did make other stuff. But it's something you haven't seen from me before.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

At the Zoo

We went to the John Ball Zoo Tuesday and it was a great day for it. The weather was nice and cool and it was sunny. One of Mia's favorite things is to see the stingrays. This time I paid the extra $1 to let her get food to feed them. She was pretty excited about that.
I had also saved my old digital camera for Mia. This is one of the first digital cameras when they came out and the resolution is only like 1.3. When I saw the fancy digital camera they make for kids for around $75 I decided to save this one for Mia. It has the same resolution and it probably isn't worth $5 anymore and I have a memory card so she can take unlimited pictures and she does. She loves it. She's taken hundreds of pictures in the last couple of days. Of course, I have to delete 2/3rds of the them since you only see a blur due to a finger in front of the lens but she's having a great time with it. It's interesting to see her perspective on things too.
Of course, now she has to take pictures of EVERYTHING.
I guess that will be my next posting. Some of Mia's pictures.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dollar Tree Finds

I don't get to the Dollar Tree often but every other time I go I find stuff to get. The latest visit netted the kids some more dress up stuff. They got the helmets, swords and shields.

Another find was the ice cube molds. I had found the silicone ones at Ikea (and saw them later at Hobby Lobby) and found the "rubber" ones at the Dollar Tree. I thought I'd make some juice ice cubes to flavor up their water and make Jello in them. I tried the Jello first.

I think they came out rather nice. My kids have since informed me they don't like the green Jello. I also came away with a new grill brush, grill tongs and batteries. I always buy the kid's C/D batteries there since they go through them so quick.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mia's Mamma minus the "Mamma"

If anyone comments to Mia about the headbands she like to tell them how she helped me make them. So she is now making her own headbands and yes they are reversible.

Here she is modeling it.
I was really impressed with her work and the fact that it's the right size. She had repeatedly put it on and taken it off and it's still in one piece. She says the rainbow side is good because it has all the colors and matches everything.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What the ....?

Mike had to get up and leave for Plymouth at 4:30 this morning and for some reason I was awake. He kissed me goodbye and headed down the hall to look in on the kids..... he turns back, "Uh, Christie, this is a huge mess!" I get up and go look. Both kids are asleep up on Mia's bunkbed, totally naked and COVERED with marker(s). Apparently, Mia tried to make Mason a skeleton and herself a kitty. She even colored inside their ears!
The pictures don't do it justice. It was all over their backs and legs not to mention other areas. I put them in the bathtub when they woke up and their is still faint markings visible. Especially on their faces. Makes going out in public that much more fun. I did try to run a lot of errands today and it mostly went well but Mason lost a shoe in Meijer. This is the same Meijer that threw away his mitten this past winter so I'm afraid to call ahead and ask if they found it. If they take it out and hold it for me..... that's how the mitten got tossed. Can you tell I'm still a little ticked about that?

Friday, June 06, 2008

More stuff to make

I haven't updated my supposed online shop forever but here's what I've been making lately.

Bows, barrette snap clips, pony-o's, bow holders, burp cloth, stuffed toy and paci clip. I need to catch up with lots of projects. Mostly making the stuff up of what I have on hand and then scrapbooking. Finishing the kid's baby books and maybe even getting Disney done. I need lots of time and the only way I see it happening is working in the basement when I can't sleep.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

I (heart) my family

I was reading another blog today that mentioned a bunch of other blogs but this particular one caught my eye. This blog is about a guy who is raising his baby and grieving his wife. I went back to March and started reading some of the entries. I noticed this blog went back to 2007 but I didn't go back that far. Him and his wife were at the hospital having the baby. The first post was getting ready to have the baby and there was the excitement and joy when the baby was born. There was even a picture of the mom smiling at her new baby. The next day's post was the mom's obit. That stuff just tears me up. I did read in the paper a few months ago of a "local" (west Michigan) man whose wife died during childbirth to triplets. I can't even grasp how you handle every day life with 3 new babies to love and care for with no time to grieve. I pray he has lots of help.

I had ladies night out tonight and we went to the new CityVu Bistro. The atmosphere was nice and the view was great but I wasn't impressed with the food. As always though it was nice to be out with the girls and have a dinner out where Mac & Cheese or chicken nuggets was ordered.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I (heart) Ikea

So Mike is away this week doing some training across the state. I had decided before the kids and I would join him and I could go shopping as Holland had nothing, go to Ikea, visit with a friend and let the kids use the pool at the hotel. Monday started out great. I got my errands done before I left, drop the dog off, stop at my SIL's in Lansing to deliver some Pampered Chef .... all is going smoothly. I'm thinking I'm going to arrive early so maybe I can hit some stores that I'd like to go to. Then the kids fall asleep so the store idea is out then I hit stand-still traffic. I think my exit is only a couple of miles so it shouldn't be bad. Well my exit was closed. The detour exit was actually the road that the hotel was on so it's not so bad. I'll just take the road north right to the hotel. After a couple of miles the road is COMPLETELY closed for construction. I have to drive a couple miles back to find a gas station and figure out how to get to the hotel which was basically doing a big clockwise rectangle. I arrive at the hotel more than an hour after I had passed the closed exit on the highway. I was done. I now remember what traffic is like on that side of the state and I can't handle it. That's probably nothing for those people that live in LA but that's almost death for me. The rest of the visit went great and I went to Ikea this morning. I could easily spend a couple grand in that store but kept myself under $100. Maybe next visit.

I told Mia she really was a superhero today because she saved the day. I arrived at Ikea and was all set to put them into the play area and was told they couldn't come in because they didn't have socks. I didn't pack any socks. I knew Mason had a pair of socks as I found a dirty pair in my coat (yeah, that's my life) and put them in his suitcase but Mia had none. So we're walking back to the car and the kid's are crying that they didn't go play and I'm ticked off that I now have to go by socks somewhere. When the kids were crying "why", I tried explaining they didn't have socks and I had socks for Mason but not for Mia. Mia says, "but Mom I put my flower socks in the black box in the car." (This has to be a REALLY long time ago). I said, "show me". Sure enough she pulls out a pair of pink and green plaid socks. I'm ecstatic. Mia says, "I'm sorry I lied. I thought they were my flower socks but they're not". So I explained to her that didn't matter and she was the superhero that saved the day.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Not sure that's really a word but we are supporting a whole community of toad tadpoles. It all started a couple of years ago at my parents house. They have a beautiful Japanese garden for their front yard and in the ponds (small ones) are Koi, lilies and whatever else that is attracted to the location such as frogs, toads and snails. That year my dad gave Mia a tadpole (or polliwogs as he calls them... I don't know the difference). She brought it home and put it in her fish tank and really enjoyed watching it develop. It was a fairly big size one and it turned into a frog and we eventually let it go at the pond across the street from our house. Last year she brought home about 7 little tadpoles that turned into toads. Unfortunately as they lost their tail and really became developed we'd find them dead in the tank. They really struggled swimming at the top so for the last two I put them in a bowl and they survived. Who would have thought that they would drown since toads can swim. I guess it just tired them out to much. With that in mind I kept my eye out for those "frog habitats". Last summer I saw them at various stores for $29.99... are you kidding me? I watched the clearance at Target for them and they never dropped below $19.99. So I found one at Hobby Lobby and used the 40% off coupon. That I could do. We haven't made it out to my parent's house this spring yet but the pond across the street was teeming with them. So one day last week I sent Mike and the kids over to get some tadpoles. I see this when I get home. Is that mud at the bottom? Nope, just probably 50 tadpoles. I'll be surprised if they all survive, I was thinking they'd get 5.

The garage sale Friday was OK as I sold some bigger items but Saturday I sold a whopping $25. Later as I was cleaning up and went to take down my signs....I see they were already down. Either completely on the ground or twisted up so you can't read it. It did rain Friday and it poured Saturday right before I started. It cleared up and was a great day Saturday so it stinks that my signs were all ruined. I made a huge haul to Goodwill and will try Craigslist for some of the bigger stuff. It will be nice to have my garage back.