Monday, December 22, 2008
So the weekend after Thanksgiving was my SIL's annual wine fest. All my SIL's have great friends (not sure how we, ahem Mike ahem, ended up being so anti-social) and there's always a lot of fun and drinking. We dropped off our kids to my parents house in Jackson to spend the night and turned back north to Lansing. On the way, we were able to stop at ToysRUs in Jackson to look around without kids. The Lego Troll Warship which was to be $79 was our target. I had a 20% off coupon for one item and that was going to be it. Little did I know they were having a weekend Lego sale that day: buy one, get one 50% off. No trollship to be had though. So we looked at all the Legos for what seemed forever! I saw a pirate ship that I thought he would love but seriously $100 for Legos?? I told Mike he needs to get out of Automotive and get into toys.
If I remember right, this is what we ended up getting them: One was around $50 which I used the 20% off coupon on plus I get the other set ($40) for 50% off. So really just over $60 for the two sets. I'm hoping they're OK with what they get. This is what we got for both of them:
A pirate fort with boat and croc
Girlie type legos with horses and a cat.
I get small stuff during the year if I see something they may like but it's had when they're at an age to make lists.
Mason asked Santa for : #1 Batmobile, first thing out of his mouth everytime. A few other times he'll throw in some things that I have NO IDEA what they are but then find out later that they are really expensive items.
Mia wants: Easy Bake Oven, a Wii, A puppy purse toy that I just figured out what it was.
Here's how I think the Christmas Day will play out. They'll like what they've opened but still be disappointed as the aunts that are bringing the toys that they really like won't be seen until Friday after Christmas. So there will be a few days of the questions...." why didn't Santa bring this?'After they see all they've go they'll be ecstatic. Joy and Peace that's what we really want out of this right.
Enough of the toy talk though I digress. I hit the ground running at Col's party. So at the wine party I started out with a nice not to dry wine called Menage a Trois. I had a glass of it and it went down really easy. I REALLY liked it so I had another.....after I killed the bottle (by myself) I realized there were other bottles so I had another glass. Then that wine was gone so I tried something else and didn't like it as much so I started drinking some water. I did graze a little but I realize now when you fill up your plate with a shrimp, a meatball and some crackers. Even 2 and half plates really isn't enough soak;) I got the headache but didn't get sick. Around midnight or so I felt the need to lie down for just a little bit with the intention of getting back up. Eventually Mike just told me to get my pajamas on and get in bed. So yeah we ditched the late crew, I couldn't believe the "late" guests didn't leave until 3am. Luckily Colleen didn't put away EVERYTHING and I could help with the clean-up in the morning. I was feeling super guilty that I went to bed and wasn't able to stay up and help her put things away. It was nice however to not throw up for a change. Of course, like Atlanta, I didn't take any pictures. I'm letting down those fellow Japanese I know.
FYI: A lady in one of my groups went to Birch Run last week and told me they just opened up an Under Armor outlet there. She said there were some really good deals. Too bad it's so far away and not within an hour's drive. Now I have to figure out a way to get me and Mike time alone at Birch Run. We could get a hotel but everyone will want to shop....who will watch the children?
Things to ponder.
Anyway have to sign off. not because I'm tired and re-capped it all but because my brain is just not right. I took an Ambien to get me to sleep and it's starting to kick in. As Mike will tell you, it's like I'm dizzy and drunk. I know I should re-read what I posted so far but screw it...I'm finally getting tired.
Love to the lurkers. (those of you that come to read about my lame-o life but never write comments). I'm thinking of running a contest soon to see if I can get those others of you (that are not my mother) to post. Back me up here. I love my mother but I do have friends right? Right ladies?! Oh for Gosh Sakes Christie go to bed already;)
and I'm off. literally and figuratively.
Friday, December 19, 2008
At this rate I'll blog Christmas next Christmas.
Oh Yes, Thanksgiving was an awesome feast. I probably went through the ads 4 times for Black Friday...made a list and at the end of it didn't get up early (wasn't anything I wanted THAT much) and didn't get anything on my list. My SIL's however had no list and ended up finding things that they wanted. How is that fair?
Friday night they invited their friends over and we drank and rolled dice. We play this game at most of Mike's family gatherings and instead of chips we use dollars. So it's a $3 buy-in to play. What's a little gambling among family. We played 7 games and Mia rolled my dice...
and was the big winner winning 4 out of the seven. She had never seen that much money before and was giggling with her hands over her mouth and eyes bulging. She leans over and tells me she wants the "webkinz backpack". I have no idea what this was but she talked about it non-stop from that point on.
I figured it out after we got home, this is what Mia was talking about:
Our store only had the Livvie bag in multi-color and the Jackpack in Green. She was set on the Jackpack so I let her get it. I figured she won the big money rollin the dice she should at least get something for it. Mike and I went down early for the night (yes, I hurled yet again) and I think the other adults went out for 2 more beer runs. Mike and I just can't hang anymore.
Saturday afternoon we headed home. Mason stayed up until about midnight and said, "are we sleeping in the car again for real?". Yup, 13 hours later we made it home. The kids do not like sleeping in the car....they can't get comfortable. Soon after we made it home a big snow storm hit so luckily we didn't have to drive through it. That pretty much sums up our Turkey festivities....
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
It's been a whirlwind last month and I still don't feel like I've caught up to present day/present time. So last you heard from me I was sick, suffering from migraines and getting ready for a craft show. Craft show was OK. I did alright considering it wasn't really busy. After the show that Saturday I got to come home and watch the rest of the Michigan/OSU game. Mike being the OSU fan that he is wouldn't turn it off....I really didn't watch it but would get the updates when I walked through the room. Thanks for that (too bad you can't write sarcasm so everybody gets it).
Then I cleaned the house and packed in anticipation for our Thanksgiving trip to Atlanta. We left Tuesday and drove straight through arriving at precisely 3am Wednesday morning. We tried to get some sleep but once the kids cracked one of their eyelids open and glimpsed COUSINS we really couldn't sleep. Alice (Mike's sister, 5th out of 6 kids) had a sitter lined up so we went to the bar that night to hear a Bon Jovi cover band. We went with Mike's two sisters, Alice and Sarah (5 and 6, Mike is 4), their husbands and some of their friends. A good time was had by all. True to form with any night of drinking since I've birthed children....I threw up. Alice said she saw something on Oprah about how Asians process alcohol we're allergic to it? That would explain a lot. I woke up drinking water, downing Advil and stuffing myself with bread rolls. I think I finally soaked up all the alcohol in my system by around 10pm. Thursday was pretty much an all out eat-a-thon. Thanksgiving dinner was great. Alice made this sausage stuffing that was killer (a Paula Deen recipe of course). It was great at dinner, for breakfast and while drinking again Friday night.
T-Day summary to be continued in next post.
Friday, November 14, 2008
While I usually am on the computer late because I am in insomniac I have actually been getting some sleep the last couple of weeks. First I had migraines and now I am sick. The whole family went to bed at 9pm yesterday. I can't think of the last time I was asleep at 9pm. Must have been the last time I was sick.
I am also in panic mode. I thought I had plenty of time to make my crafts for a craft fair I'm doing the 22nd. While it was weeks away, now it is only a week away and this sick thing is not helping. Also not helping is that some supplies I ordered (a month or so ago) may not get here in time. Great! That other part about being sick that stinks (other than just being sick) is that the kids seem to be fine. So I can't be sick in bed, I have to get up and play cook, chauffeur and well be a Mom.
To recap Tuesday-Wednesday.
Tuesday schedule looks roughly like this:
9:30-11 Preschool/Elementary Commission meeting at the church. It was my turn to do prayer and bring snack.
11-12 back home and get the kids lunch
12 back in the car to drop Mason off at his school around 12:15
Still in the car since Mia gets dropped off around 12:35. We get to her school a little early so I read books to her until she goes to school.
Run errands while the kids are at school.
Leave at 3 to go pick up Mason, then go get Mia, home a little after 4pm.
Let the kids play and work on sewing stuff for around an hour then start dinner.
Dinner. Then go to the PTA meeting at 6:30.
Since I wasn't sure if Mike was going to be home in time to watch the kids, I talked up the PTA meeting (they do have babysitters) so when the time came the kids wanted to go with me.
On the way to the PTA meeting it starts hailing. As we run into the building, Mason stops and starts crying. I see that he has been hit with a piece of hail in his eye and his eye is all read...he's crying. As soon as we walk into the where the babysitters are though he perks up and is fine.
About a half hour into the meeting 2 girls come into the meeting and say, "Um, a little girl fell down, hit her head and is crying." They don't know the little girls name. I say, "is she wearing a jean skirt and a brown shirt?" Yes. So I get up and walk down the hall with the girls. On the way, one of the girls said, "it's kind of bad her head is bleeding." I said, "her head is bleeding?" Then we're there. I walk in Mia is sitting down, crying, and covered in blood. She was running and caught the corner of a table on her way down. The cut is in her eyebrow so the blood is running down her face. She also had a bloody nose and she kept trying to put her hand to hold her head so there was blood everywhere. The blood had slowed down so I loaded the kids in the car and went home. Called Mike on the way to have him come get her out of the car. We get her in and clean her up. We think it is fine although the cut is in an awkward place and just bandage her up. She is acting fine so there's no worry of concussion at this point. The next day, on the 3rd band-aid I decide the cut just isn't going to stay closed so after my 9:30-11 meeting for Moms & Tots at the church, I head to Walgreens and buy some butterfly bandages. I clean her up and take the kids to school. After I drop Mia off, I call the nurse and the Doctor's office. Closed for lunch. I call again at 1pm. Voice mail. They finally return my call at 2:30 and tell me she'll probably need the glue or steri-strips but that they can't do that in the office and I need to go to Prime Care (AKA ER services). So I go pick up the kids. I make the decision that they're going to miss their religion classes and take Mia to Prime Care. The Doc says, "I wish you would have brought her in here last night." End result. They couldn't do the glue or the strips because of her eyebrow hair. They had to numb her, "play" around in there to make it a fresh wound and then give her 2 stitches. She screamed bloody murder the whole time and I had to hold her down. Whew!
Thursday was pretty normal and we were back at the church for Mia's choir practice. Man I'm at the church too much.
That's my not so quick sum-up of the past couple of days. TGIF!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
At least I have some valid excuses for being behind in all things Internet......migraines. I've been having some horrible migraines lately and passing out in bed rather than be on the computer. While Excedrin Migraine usually works just as well as my prescription stuff (so I didn't refill the prescription) it's loaded with caffeine and I don't take it past 2-3ish so I'm not up all night.
The weather here in MI has been unbelievable....70's in November? That's all supposed to end this week but it was great while it lasted.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
I spent the whole day today finally getting some stuff done in the house. I finally figured out a way to utilize some "dead" space in our house and turn it into some much needed storage. That allowed me to get rid of a box of books that has been sitting in my bedroom since we moved into the house. Next up finish painting (it's been at least a year now) and more organizing.
Yesterday, I went with the "girls" on a shopping trip to the Outlet mall in Howell. Seven of us "moms" met up at 8:30 and drove 2 hours to the mall. We then shopped pretty much all day and then had dinner at P.F. Chang's. I arrived back home around 9pm so it was an all day event. It was a nice outing and a much needed get-away sans children. Of course, as usual I came home with an a**load of clothes for my kids and 3 things for myself. In my defense though Children's Place had clearance racks of $4.99 and under stuff ....then add in my 15%off coupon. What's truly sad is that my 3 items of clothing still cost more than 2 bags full of children's clothes.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Yesterday in the car while I was driving the kids to school, Mia started telling me how everyone in her class but her was teasing a boy in a wheelchair. She kept telling me how she was the only one who was nice to him and the other kids were mean to him. It was breaking my heart. I asked Mia if he was new to her school since I don't recall seeing a boy in a wheelchair at her school.
Mia: No.
Me: Is this something that just happened or has he always in a wheelchair?
Mia: He's always been in a wheelchair, his name is Sam.
Me: How do they tease him? What do they say?
Mia: They make fun of him because he can't run.
Me: Well, it's nice that you're his friend it must really hurt his feelings that the others are mean to him.
Mia: Yeah, I'm the only one that gets to push him too. Not fast though. The other kids tried to push him fast and made him fall out of his chair but I don't go fast...unless he wants me to for fun.
When we have gym with Mr D. in the gym he has to stay with Mrs. Thornhill because he can't run.
When we dropped Mason off at school we included Ms Elizabeth (Mason's teacher) in our conversation.
Miss E: That's not good that the other kids are not nice to him. Maybe you need to tell your teacher.
Mia: I told Mrs. Thornhill but she didn't believe me.
Miss E.: Sometimes you need to tell adults more than one time....
Mia: I did that already but she didn't believe me.
Miss Elizabeth and I both talked some more with Mia about how to be nice to Sam and to tell an adult that the other kids aren't being nice. It just really bugged me all day especially as I visualized some poor boy falling out of a wheelchair so I asked Mrs. Thornhill about it when I picked Mia up from school.
Mrs. Thornhill: We have a Sam but he's fine. He's not in a wheelchair. I'd just say Mia has a very creative imagination.
Creative or Scary? Should I be worried that she fantasized Sam was in a wheelchair?
Today when I picked her up she was telling me about Josh (a boy in her class) kissing her in the coatroom. Vhat? Not only do I have to worry about boys and girls starting to like each other but now I don't know when a story is totally made up. I suspect it is.....but is it?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Tomorrow Mia is to sing in the Children's choir at church for the first time. I'm hoping she behaves as she won't be sitting by us and out of my control. I'd like to get a picture of her sitting in the choir but don't think that would go over during mass if I went down and starting snapping pictures.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The necklaces I used scrapbooking bottlecaps that already had the image on them but know I do my own and I can use any image I want. Anyway, hope to catch up on some blogging although I guess that will depend on the sick kid.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
I am always shocked when the kids throw something out that they obviously learned at school. A couple of years ago, Mia saw a bee in the yard and said something of it doing good work. At the age of 3 she mentioned how the bee was pollinating the flowers. I almost fell over as the word "pollinating" came out of her mouth. This spring and summer she would explain "migration" to us.
The latest started with Mike's mom. She had given the kids a couple of little tootsie roll suckers. When Mason saw them he kept saying, "Why did Grandma give us those suckers?" I'd say because she loves you.
Mason: But they're sweet.
Me: Yes, they're a treat. That's why Grandma gave them to you, she thought you'd like a treat.
Mason: WHY???? (more of a yell now) Doesn't she know they're sweet?
This goes back and forth for awhile until the subject is dropped.
Monday after lunch I told the kids they could have their suckers in the car on the way to school. Mia opened hers up immediately and started eating it. Mason passes his back up to me and tells me to keep it up front. When I pick him up from school and start down the road he says his tummy is growling.
Me: Well, you can have your sucker if you're hungry. I still have it up here.
Mason: WHAT! I can't have that. That's sweet!
Me: That's OK (then I'm cut off)
Mason: It's at the top of the food pyramid! It's purple and it's sweet and Ms. Heather says you can't eat it all the time.
Me: That's right. You can't eat it all the the time but it's all right once in a while.
Mason: No!
Sheesh! You would have thought I was trying to poison the kid. Of course, I haven't seen the new food pyramid to know if he got it right but I was floored that the words "food pyramid" came out in conversation.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Mike had to go to Plymouth to work for the next few days. No sweat... the kids and I will have fun. They have school in the afternoon and we can go to gym so I can work-out and they can play. Yup, it's a pretty busy week this and the next but I had it all mapped out in my head.
What I wasn't expecting was the way Mason looked at me when I picked him up from school. Not his usual excited to see me run/hug..... Have I fallen out of favor already? I ask him what's wrong and he just makes some noises. We're about out the door when he tells me his tummy hurts. As I strap him in his seat I can tell something is going on and he's not pretending. The teacher didn't say anything about his behavior being off so I assume he was fine the whole time he was at school. She would have said something. By the time I drive to Mia's school to pick her up Mason has fallen asleep. I go into the school to get Mia, Mason draped over my shoulder hugging me and he is starting to get hot. He's awake again but groggy. By the time we get home Mason is down for the count. The fever has kicked in. It's not a high fever but it looks like he won't be going to school tomorrow. God I Love them but don't they know that when their Dad is out of town getting sick is not an option. I need that break of school time for my sanity. Mike was actually getting sick too so I'm sure it will be Super fun when he gets back. Mia will probably be sick by then so it will be all 3. This weekend we have Mia's school walk Friday night, 2 parties Saturday and somewhere mixed in there my niece's Lauren's volleyball tournament down the road from us. Lauren will also be playing soccer in Holland Sunday. Just a jam-packed week to be followed up with another busy week of appts, parent/teacher conference, Hay ride, etc.
So PRAY FOR ME! Tomorrow is going to be a bumpy ride.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
First found this Disney mp3 player on clearance at Meijer for $7.99. Then I bought a 2 gb SD card for it at Circuit City for $12.99. Mia and Mason call anything with headphones an "iPod". I was going to give her the very first mp3 player I had (which is OLD). I lost the cable to connect it to the computer so I can't change the music on it. It is also supposed to take SmartMedia cards so I downloaded some music onto a card but it didn't work. I don't want her listening to the music that's on there so there's a little battle going on. She finds where I hide it and then sneaks it. I probably should just throw it away but I keep thinking I'm going to figure a way to make it work for the kid's to use..... Then I dug out our old portable CD player. I told Mason it was his iPod. At least I can control the music that goes in it but it is big for them to carry around. Mia will get this new mp3 player in her stocking from Santa and I hope to figure the ancient one out to give to Mason. The kids were freaking out that the little ear buds fall out of their ears so I got out the old headphones that go over the head with the foam pads covers. Those work great for them but then one the foam covers on one set of the headphones was pretty worn and got torn off. Can you believe they don't sell replacement pads for the headphones anymore. The one store I found, Radio Shack, wants about $6 a pair. Are you kidding me? I can buy new headphones for that. So when I get a chance I'll make some kind of cover out of some scraps of fleece. What I do to try to make these kids happy, Jeesh.
The next deals. I just rand into Target today and didn't find what I came for. Could I just leave the store? No! I thought I'd check out the Halloween section. Well, the back wall behind our Halloween section was backpacks, lunchboxes, etc... all 75% off. So I got Mason a black backpack and a skull lunchbox for about $6. We bought a little skull iron-on when we were at Disney so I'll iron that on the backpack. He'll be happy he has what Mia does and he'll be all set for school in 2 years. How's that for forward planning.
In other news, I almost fell over with excitement seeing the Domo display in the Halloween section at Target. Target has also had a ton of Hello Kitty stuff the last year or so. I think Target is "turning Japanese".
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I took the kids to Crane's yesterday after I picked them up from school. I figured there would be lots of Honeycrisp apples since Saturday was opening day and it pretty much rained all weekend. They're almost gone! There were lots at the tops of the tree but sadly I can't reach. I climbed one tree and was handing apples down to Mia but that was short-lived as the little branch I was standing on broke and I came falling out of the tree. I had to tell Mia it's our little secret since she kept repeating to me "Mommy, they don't want you climbing the trees.....". Shhhh... before someone hears you. The Honeycrisps are 75cents/lb (with a 2 bushel limit)and regular apples are still 65cents/lb. If you don't go today, I don't think there will be any left unless they have them in another area that I didn't see. They close at 6pm. Of course, it goes without saying that the donuts were all sold out. That made for a sad Phillips family last night. I've got apples to last me for awhile and I don't want to drive down there just for donuts. Maybe in another month.
Monday, September 08, 2008
When I picked Mason up last week from school he was just bubbling over with excitement. When I strapped him into his carseat he was still telling me about his day and told me he had a snack.
Me: Really, what did you have?
Mason: Cheese crackers
Me: Was it yummy? You like cheese crackers right?
Mason: Yeah
10 minutes later as we pass McD's driving home....
Mason: I want to go to McDonalds
Me: Mason, you had lunch already and you had a snack at school
Mason: Well..... Oh... no... I mean I didn't have a snack
Me: You said you had cheese crackers
Mason: I was just telling you a joke
driving home after we pick Mia up from school....
Mason: I want McDonalds I didn't get a snack today
Me: What? Yes you did
Mason: No I didn't
Me: Well, I'm going to ask Miss Elizabeth tomorrow ...
Mason: No
Me: ....if you had a snack....
Mason: No you can't
Me: today. Yes, I'm going to ask....
Me: ....if you had a snack. You know when you lie you get soap in the mouth. So if....
Mason: MOMMA! I'm just jokin'
Me: you're lying to me....
Mason: I not lying, I'm telling you a joke. I remember I did have snack.
Mia and I dropped off Mason at his school and as we drive away I wave and say "Bye, Bye Mason".
Mia: Mom (I think the correct pronunciation is Mo-om) you don't say, Bye Bye you only say it once. Bye. So don't say Bye Bye to me. (I swear if she was only a little older she would have been rolling her eyes.)
Me: Why? Is that embarrassing if I say Bye Bye?
Mia: YES! So don't say it to me Okay.
Great my kid is embarrassed of me already. Sorry to tell you Sweetie Mia it's only going to get a lot worse for you.
Thursday, September 04, 2008

Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Here's Mason and Mia floating. (The picture of them holding hands and floating isn't as good)
and here they are jumping off Grandpa's shoulders into the pool.
I did forget to mention yesterday that I did make it back to my car (mostly anyway) after dropping Mia off before I started bawling.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
I parked in the front so I could take some pictures out front. Then I walked her to the Kindergarten playground in the back (where I'm to drop her off) where she waits until the her teacher comes to get the class.
Mason and I then went to run some errands and it was a nightmare. While Mason is usually great when separated from Mia........ today gave me an insight for the next few months. The problem is he is still into skulls and skeletons. Since the last few weeks in August the stores have begun the Halloween season. So no matter what the store he spies something he wants ie. a skeleton cup, placemat, rug, bag of bones, etc. Then when I don't but his heart's desire I get the crying. Today resulted in full out screaming, crying, kicking and hitting (as I dragged him out).
Then we picked Mia up from school and of course I had to snap a few more pics.
Friday, August 29, 2008
That's what it is with my posting. It seems like the last couple of weeks have been crazy. The outside pool at our gym is being drained Monday so we've been going every day for the last two weeks. I feel like we're living on borrowed time so we took advantage of every day left. Not to mention I still have to run errands ie. grocery store, farmer's market, post office, library, etc. and with the added appointments like school open houses we are constantly on the go. Mia is so excited about starting Kindergarten, me too! As excited as I am for her I know I'm going to be doing the ugly cry all the way home after I drop her off. I'm planning to get some pictures but I'm guessing the teacher isn't going to want someone's mom following them in the classroom the first day. What do you mean the crazy crying lady with the camera is distracting the kids?
Anyway time to go get ready since I have a doctor's appt. this morning, need to finish folding laundry, pack the family's clothes to go to the in-laws, etc. I think my first break that I get when the kid's are in school at the same time will be spent just sitting on the couch taking a breather. It's wishful thinking anyway....
Sunday, August 24, 2008
For lack of something better to I'm too lazy to write something long at the moment and still haven't downloaded from my camera... I'm posting the following "joke-mail".
Dear Tech Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attentio n 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as:
NBA 5.0, NFL 3.0 and Golf Clubs 4.1
Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.
Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.
What can I do?
Signed, Desperate.
DEAR DESPERATE, First, keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.
Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme. html and try to download Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update.
If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications; Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. However, remember that overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1 Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Farting and Snoring Loudly Beta.
Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.)
In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance.
We recommend : Cooking 3.0 and Hot Lingerie 7.7
Good Luck Babe!
Tech Support
Friday, August 15, 2008
Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
I first saw this on Oprah and was inspired. I posted the full lecture not because anyone visiting my blog would want to watch a video for over an hour but so I could easily find it later.
I was crying again watching the piece on him tonight on TV. I too wept tears for a man I never met.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Mia and Mason with their teachers, Missy and Anna Thompson at Champion Gymnastics.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Ever since Halloween last year Mason has had a fascination with skulls and skeletons. I had bought him a skeleton t-shirt and his wardrobe has since expanded to at least 5 shirts. He is now into pirates as he associates pirates with skeletons. So on any given day he is dressed as either a pirate or a Harley biker or both.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Friday, August 01, 2008
When we were up in Manistee for the July 4th holiday we went to the beach and I figured that would be the time when Mason would venture into the water. I thought with his sister and his cousins swimming that would be the time for him to go. Nope. He wouldn't go near the water. The next week we went to the beach down the road from our house and he started playing in the water. He never ventured in pretty far but he started jumping the waves and once he fell down he would lay down in the shallow water. I was amazed that in just a week he had made that change.
We also started swim class that next week at an indoor pool and he was about 50/50. Half the time he was screaming/crying with a death grip on his teacher's bathing suit or he was OK to make it without screaming in the class for a small bribe (a new skull t-shirt). He never did ENJOY the class and we'll leave it at that.
We went to visit Mike's parents again last weekend and pretty much spent ALL our time at the pool. Mason was warming up to swimming (with a death grip on you), jumping off the side of the pool (to you) and going underwater on the steps. Pretty much where he has always been for skill but starting to get a little braver.
Today we went to the beach again and the sand was so stinking hot on the walk down the dune that I literally thought we had burned our feet. The kids were crying (I was almost too). We went straight for the water to cool our feet off. I then started setting our stuff down, got my chair out, started reading... when I look up and see Mason wading pretty far out in the water. I bring out his swimmies and tell him he can't go that far out unless he's wearing them. He hasn't really worn them in the water before so he instantly starts putting up a fight and whining. After some discussion (and I believe a threat to throw him in the lake) he agrees to put them on. After they're on he's standing there just scowling at me and I say, "well, go try them out". He stomps off still scowling and after a few minutes I see him smiling. I return to my beach chair and look out to see him swimming and floating! Next thing you know I have to get up every few minutes to yell out to Mia AND Mason that they're going too far out and need to swim closer to shore. What? When Mike got done with work he met us at the beach. I saw him coming down the dune and pointed to Mason who had taken off running back into the water. He wanted to show Daddy how he could swim and proceeded to swim out into the water. I think Mike was a little shocked seeing how that only last week if you showed Mason a noodle/inner tube/etc. he would have just started screaming. We've made big progress this summer and I can't wait to go back to the beach again.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I tried to post the link to the local paper with the picture of the kids but alas I've come up empty.
We went up to Manistee and spent the 4th with most of Mike's family. It was a nice time filled with lots of beach time, pool time and good food. Every year we try to get a pic of all the cousins together so here is one.
Mike's sisters and us took turns with the meals so his mom could relax. It was our attempt to get her out of the kitchen and hang out. If we got her out of the kitchen then she started cleaning. It's hard to break out of set habits. Fortunately or and cleaning is something that's very easy for me to walk away from.
While Mia and Bailey are like "Ebony and Ivory". When I look family pics that include me...I'm like the Asian exchange student in the class photo of the yearbook and I hear that song from Sesame Street running through my head...One of these things is not like the others...... I don't think Mia looks as Asian as I do but everyone always tells me she is my "mini me". I'm pretty smitten with her so I guess I'll take that as a compliment and let her deal with it when she's older.
Posted a couple of things from Youtube and then realizing they're not showing up on the blog. What? I've done it before......
Anyway, I've been super busy running the kids around. This morning I'm waiting for the water heater guy so who knows how much time that's going to eat up. I'll post if I get more time.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
It's no secret that was a little disappointed with how VBS was run this year at my church. This was Mia's 2nd year at the "other" church's VBS. The other church is CRC and while some people may be offended that a Catholic family sends their child to a CRC church, I have no problem with it. This VBS is so organized and the music is phenomenal. They build their own set, have their own band, their own singers and the Pastor leads it all. Here's a view of what I see when I pick her up.
I'm still blown away by the organization... you get a newsletter at the end of every day, there are pictures added every day to their site and of course a DVD to purchase. There's pretty much been 600 kids every day.
Lot's of stuff to post through the week as usual but too lazy and no pictures. I keep saying I'll post that later and then don't.
Monday, July 14, 2008
I got a phone call this afternoon from the newspaper telling me Mia won 3rd place for a coloring contest. We need to go to the Alpenrose tomorrow at 2pm so she can get her picture taken for the paper and get a prize. I'm guessing that not a lot of kids entered. Her coloring started off good but then there was a lot of black and scribbling. When she brought it to me to send in I said: Mia what's this? It looks good here but this just looks like scribble. Mia: Yeah, well I had to hurry to finish it up so I could be done with it. So I sent it off anyway. Funny!
Also to add to the fun of my life I discovered that Mia left the freezer door ajar last night when she got her dessert out. I discovered this around noon today. All the ice cream, Popsicles, etc. are garbage and some of my meat thawed. Guess, I have a lot of cooking to do tomorrow.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Haven't posted forever. I seem to get in a pattern of posting every day and then not for weeks. It's not like I don't have stuff going on... visit to my parents, Mike's 40th birthday, visit to the doctor (Mia), visit to Mike's the usual chaos that is my life. I like to have pictures when I post so if I think of what I want to post and don't have a picture or just was to busy to upload from my camera... I don't. The latter is usually the problem.
A few days ago I got a letter from the kid's modeling agency basically informing me they are going away from the composite "head book" and going to digital with the website. I didn't get their pictures done last year thinking I was going to just get out of it. They don't get that much work. In yesterday's newspaper there was a big article about another local girl that models with the same agency. So out of the blue about five minutes ago I decide to go to the website to see if they've put any of the models pictures there and if so to see what they look like.
There's Mia on the homepage. Shock! I don't think it was her most recent modeling picture either. Now do I keep them in or not?
Monday, June 30, 2008
As I stated before I just wasn't crazy on the name "Sherbert". So I kept trying..... how about: honey, Riley, um.... cinnamon, paprika (anything orange, yellow)....amber? No, No and No. Mia wasn't having it. Then the other night Mason was goofing around, "Good night honey"...."Good night pumpkin"...."Good night sunshine."
Mia: Sunshine? I like sunshine. OK, we'll name her sunshine.
Mason is very excited that he came up with the name and Mia gives him the props for it. Sunshine?..... How come I didn't think of that? I used to sing both of them "you are my sunshine" all the time when they were babies and I didn't think of it. Funny.
In other news, Mia had a swollen foot Saturday morning from what appears to be a mosquito bite. I'm talking swollen like her foot almost looked like it was going to pop. We tried everything Benedryl, Motrin, topical extra-strength Benedryl, soaking it, ice.... nothing helped. So last night I say, "If it's not gone tomorrow we're going to the doctor". Really, it's not like the swelling went down and came back..... it never went down. So last night after her bath the swelling finally went down. It looks better this morning too. The mosquitoes are HORRIBLE here. We've been holing up inside because of them. Even with repellent or citronella candles nothing seems to work. Let's hope we survive the weekend without looking like some kind of pincushion.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I'm not crazy about the name but Mia says she wants to keep it. Sherbert was checked out by our vet yesterday and all is well. The poor thing hides into the tiniest spaces though as Mia is constantly picking her up. Hopefully Mia and Mason don't make her a "scaredy cat".
Monday, June 23, 2008
First we had pictures at home which included Mason, Me, Mike and Barley. There were lots of shots of dolls, toys, the TV (if it was something she liked) and even Mason's mac n' cheese at lunch. Pictures during the car ride.... pictures inside the stores (Target & Meijer)...... pictures at the zoo.......
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I think they came out rather nice. My kids have since informed me they don't like the green Jello. I also came away with a new grill brush, grill tongs and batteries. I always buy the kid's C/D batteries there since they go through them so quick.