Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I know it's been a week since I last posted, I was getting so good at trying to post something every day. Thanksgiving was OK. It was just us at home and I spent a lot of time cooking and when we finally sat down (the kids sat down about 15 min. ahead of us and started grabbing food because they couldn't wait) it was done. Really in about 15 minutes we were stuffed. So then starts the clean-up. We watched the Lions play and lose so there was some tradition involved.
Me and my friend, Laura, were crazy and got up and went out Black Friday. She came and picked me up at 3:30 so we would be at Kohl's for their 4am opening. The line was already out in the parking lot and by the time the store opened the line was out past the end of the parking lot. CRAZY. It's not like we were there for something huge either, we were there for the Leapster L-MAX's that we missed out on at Meijer. As I'm standing there in line I say to Laura...." we should have taken the Meijer ad Monday to Walmart and just had them price match it." DUH! Instead we're up before the crack of dawn freezing out buttocks off for what better not be next year's garage sale toy. Later that afternoon.... I'm sick. I've been sick ever since but am gradually getting better. I've been sleeping in Mason's room though since I cough all night and don't want to get Mike sick before his hunting trip.
So I'm tired and sick.... Then I find out yesterday that I did get into the craft fair after all that is this Saturday. Now I need to start sewing so I have stuff to sell. Did I mention I'm tired. I'm getting pretty cranky too, this is my busy day so maybe that's part of it.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wow, since I thought I'd invite some people (family) over for Thanksgiving I bought a 18lb turkey. Now nobody else can make it and I can't really save the turkey because it takes up my freezer (actually it's defrosting now so I have my freezer back) so it looks like we'll be eating turkey for years to come. If you have good leftover recipes (preferably those that can be frozen) pass them on.
Bachelor news: I watched the Bachelor maybe a handful of times since it started.... I saw a couple of the first ones with this new Bachelor, Brad, and thought he seemed pretty "real". I saw in the news last night that he turned both girls down at the finale! That would have been worth watching as I'm never impressed with the women. Thanks for keeping it real Brad.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Yesterday was a whole lot of running around. I decided to get Mia this Leapster L-Max for Christmas. K-mart had BOGO games yesterday only so as soon as I dropped the kid's off at school off I went. They didn't have the games I wanted but I figured I'd buy what they had at comparable price and I could go back later to exchange. Meijer had the Leapster L-Max advertised as $59.99 which was much cheaper than the $69.99 at Amazon (price has already gone up). I went to both Meijer stores in Holland. GONE! Now it looks like I'll be getting up at 4am on Black Friday to try to get one at Kohls which is only $69.99 but I have the 15% off coupon. I have scoured the Black Friday ads with no other leads and I'm not going to pay more for it now. What kills me about these great advertised deals..... when they say stuff like, "at least 7 per store". That tells me one person probably went in and bought all 7 and the rest of us suckas that can't shop at the drop of a hat unless we lock our kids in the trunk of the car (just kidding, never happens) don't have a chance. At any rate, I guess I'll keep my eye out for awhile and hope it goes on sale before Christmas. I have no idea what to get Mason. Isn't Christmas shopping supposed to be fun? I just want it to be over. Maybe it just seems worse since I have the birthday presents to think of too.
Monday, November 19, 2007
We went and saw the Bee Movie yesterday. I didn't think it was all that great. The kids seemed a little bored too. Mason's favorite thing? That he ate popcorn the ENTIRE time. I thought for sure he was going to make himself sick as I'm pretty sure that he ate more than the rest of us combined.
Mia woke up this morning... she's in a great mood, she's dressed and ready to go. I'm not sure how to handle this as I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Of course, Mason is not awake yet so maybe her mood is to offset his. Time to wake him up. Wish me luck.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Today was to be our "girls day". Mia got to wear eye shadow and lip gloss and then we went to get her hair cut. She seemed to really enjoy all the attention she got in the hair salon. When I originally said we were having a girl's day I was thinking of getting a manicure, taking her for "tea" or something similar, maybe some shopping...... What it turned into was just wearing make-up, getting a toy and going out for dinner. I guess I have to wait a few years before we get what I consider to be a "girls day". She seems happy though and genuinely excited to be giving her hair to some other little girl so I'm glad for that.
Here she is right after the Big Cut.
And at home after a little more styling.
Friday, November 16, 2007
As the big game approaches.....we're confusing our child.

I seem to be losing the battle though. When given the choice she says, "Go Bucks". Traitor. I tried to be equal opportunity and even made the OSU outfit for her. I guess I just need to stop showing a reaction. I think she chooses whatever is the opposite of my pick. That seems to be true when I try to get her dressed in the morning as well.
Note: the dog that is not allowed upstairs is upstairs. I caved and let him up.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sunday morning Mike told me that when he got up to let the dog out he saw a big owl sitting on the lightpost by the road in our subdivision. He looked it up on the Internet and said it was a Barred Owl. Later that morning I was standing at the sink getting breakfast ready and I could swear I saw a blur go by the window. So I looked out and sure enough there was the owl sitting on a branch (the only branch in our yard) looking right at me. I called the kids over and it was very cool that we all got to see him. I told Mike to go outside to get a picture but as soon as he opened the door, he flew away. He was the white color type..... so beautiful.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
My SIL e-mailed me this clip and the kid's LOVE it. Mason says, "Can we watch it again and again and again and again and again." There's was probably a few more "and again"s in there but you get the picture.
Let's just hope they don't start hitting me with stuff to wake me up. Of course, they're still sleeping (in my bed no less) right now. Last night Mike and I both had headaches so we tried Advil PM. I took it because I usually have insomnia anyway and thought the nighttime aid would help me. It did. The kids are up running around screaming in their room and I can barely function. I kept sending Mike in there. He says, "I took the same stuff you did." True but for some reason I can't seem to will myself out of the bed. Now that I actually slept, I could get up earlier. Let's hope it makes for a more productive day.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Just had to share the kid's Halloween pins they got from my Aunt Betty.
The kids were super excited. When we went to "the World" last year we won pin lanyards for all four of us. On the "Year of a million dreams" lanyards were two pins to start and a card with instructions on pin trading. The kids will have new pins to wear on their lanyards when we go back (they are too cute, picture doesn't do them justice).
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Earlier in the summer Mia had admired various girls she saw wearing eye shadow. She was enthralled by the look. I had told her then she had to be older then her cousin Lauren (who's 15) before she can wear eye shadow. Lauren was visiting when I told her and I pointed out how Lauren didn't wear it even though she's 15. Skip to yesterday. It was a parent visitation day at Mia & Mason's school and Sarah (a girl Mia talks about FREQUENTLY) came and sat to work at the desk next to Mason. Mia was standing on the other side of me and we noticed that Sarah was doing double digit addition. Mia says, "Is Sarah older than Lauren?" I think she's asking this because of the difficulty of the math and I answer, "no". Mia: "Then why does she get to have painted eyes?" I look at Sarah and then notice that she is indeed wearing eye shadow. I say, "Well, maybe they have different rules in Sarah's house." Wow, I was blindsided by that one and not sure what to say. Why am I having to worry about make-up at 4-years old?
Today after lunch Mia and Mason went into Mia's room to play and it was quiet for a while. Never a good sign. So I open the door and Mason is playing nicely (as nice as boys play) on the floor and here is Mia......
I didn't fly off the handle and to be honest I don't remember what I said but she went into the bathroom about 15 minutes later and washed it off. By herself! What Mike and I can't figure out is how did she do it? Did she use a mirror or just free-hand it. Pretty good actually for 4. So when we have our girls' day I will probably let her wear some eye shadow for a "special occasion". I told Mia when she cuts her hair for "Locks of Love" we will do a special girls' day.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I bought a Playmobil nativity set at Target a few weeks ago for the kids to have their own set to play with at Christmas. Mason was with me and he carried the box the whole time in the store with the deal that he could open it when he got home but I had to pay for it first. We had more errands to run and went to pick up Mia from school (that was the day Mason was too sick to go to school but he seemed fine during the day). My plan was that he would have forgotten about the nativity set and I would hide it until closer to Christmas time. I had successfully gotten into the house and hidden it without him noticing but he started crying to me for his new toy. I did make the deal with him in the store that he could have it when he came home so I begrudgingly gave it to him (only the big pieces: people and animals). He has been playing with the pieces everyday but it's not quite the nativity story I know. Watching him play with it is like watching WWF and Mary is getting the smackdown from one of the Wise Men. It's so interesting to watch your kids play and watch how they have the dolls interact with each other. There's always a "bad guy" and I hear stuff like, "I love you, I'm going to marry you" and "I'm going to kill you". The storyline of their play always seems to be based around a movie such as: The Little Mermaid or Sleeping Beauty. Hence, the "I'm going to kill you" and bad guys/witches.
Mason also likes to make sure he plays with the Ariel Barbie and that she is topless. Out of all the Barbies to choose from he always has to have Ariel. Since he also likes Daphne from Scoobie Doo.... I'm thinking he has a thing for red heads, must be the Irish in him.
Monday, November 05, 2007
How do kids know to not cooperate when you get one chance to take a picture?
It was Halloween night and I just wanted a "decent" (well, I'll be honest...a really cute one) picture of Jasmine and her tiger, Raja. I tried multiple times and either they take turns not looking, looking but not smiling or looking but having fingers in the mouth, nose, etc.
Jasmine had to pack on a few pounds since she is now in Michigan and it is darn cold on Halloween. Raja decided after a few houses that he wanted to be carried the whole time so he got to go trick-or-treating in a pink stroller. Truly very scary. What else was scary? Raja's manners! He would walk right up to the bowl, stick his hand in, grab a piece of candy and run back to the stroller. So I'd say, "Where's the Thank You?".... nothing...."How about a Happy Halloween?"..... nothing....."I better hear something."..... then barely audible and not looking at the person....a whisper "Thank You". Jasmine, on the other hand, had to be dragged away as she had to have a conversation with everyone (especially if they had pets). Gotta love Halloween.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Woke up late and thought I was going to miss church but when I was cleaning up breakfast realized, we still had an hour. So off to church to save our souls until next week:)
Then we watched the Lions play the Broncos. We usually don't watch Sunday football but this was a different Lions team today. Then the big game between the Patriots and the Colts. It was hard to pick a side to root for: Tom Brady did play for Michigan but Peyton Manning is just so damn likable. The Colts coach is also from Jackson, Michigan so I rooted for the Colts. Peyton did not disappoint either but they did lose in the end. I did enjoy another one of his "Priceless Commercials" too. He is really pretty funny and like I said... really likable.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Oh, I soooo wish I had my video camera going today. My mom and sister came to visit this afternoon and at one point we all went down and jumped on the trampoline. Mia was showing off her "tricks"....what she calls: bunny hops, ninja kicks, butt bounces and twisters. I never thought I'd see my mom (she's in her sixties) jumping on the trampoline trying to do ninja kicks. So many times she'd start to loose her balance and head for the side. I thought she was going to fall off. Of course, this is the woman who took my rollerblades (from my garage sale) because she wants to try rollerblading. Does she not realize gravity is not as friendly to older bodies?
On an even better note I got to see Michigan come back and win a game I thought they were throwing away. I'm screaming, jumping and dancing around. Mason says, "Mama, why are you doing that?" I say, "Because I'm excited that "Go Blue" is doing good stuff. Say, "Yessss" (I show the crouch with arm motion). Mason: "I don't think so". Mia pipes up, "Yeah, I say "Go Bucks"... Sorry". November 17th will be a warzone in this house.
Friday, November 02, 2007
My husband got on my case again about my blog..... how stupid it is etc. He said he can't even talk to me anymore without worrying it's going to be on my blog. Sooo untrue. I've taken great pains to try to edit what goes on my blog for fear of getting someone else upset. For instance, if I'm mad at my mother... I don't vent it on the blog because I know she will read it. So know that my way to vent and rant has become edited, I can't believe I'm still getting flack. This is what it comes down to. Bob, my BIL, teasing Mike about my blog. Here's what I say, "Men, Get over it!" Stop reading my blog if you don't like it and let me get back to my so-called insignificant life.