Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Burg Backin' The Rack

Yesterday the kids and I went to Lansing to walk with two of my SIL's and some friends for the Breast Cancer walk. Down in front is Mary (one of SIL's best friends and really part of our family) wearing the pink survivor T-shirt. She had her last treatment Thursday and walked the race in pain and on Darvocet. She is one tough lady! A group of Mary and Colleen's friends from Laingsburg formed a team to do the walk to support Mary and raise money, hence "The burg Backin' the Rack".
There were about 6500 people there and it was crowded! The kids fell asleep about half way through the walk which was great because the fighting stopped. They're much cuter when their quiet too even if Mia sleeps with her mouth open. The weather turned out to be just right for the walk and it was a great day. Afterwards Colleen had a party back at her house and in true Colleen fashion went all out. She made riboon chocolates, had pink riboon hats (see photo above on left), pink cupcakes, pink ribbon balloons and even pink ribbon koozies for your drinks. I think if Colleen ever gives up her eye practice she should become a party planner.

Anyway great cause. Don't forget to click here to get women their free mammograms.