Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Not one of the Chosen

Who would have thought enrolling in Kindergarten would be stressful. There are two schools that I'd like to enroll Mia in and we did attend both open houses. The first is done be lottery for new students. So about 40 spots for Kindergarten and you subtract spots for siblings of students already enrolled then have a lottery for the rest. Last year they had about 100 applicants and 25 spots. The other school would be "school of choice" for us and shouldn't be a problem getting in but there were a lot of kids at the open house and I won't know until May if she is actually enrolled there or not. Our neighbors child was "accepted" into the first school and there was a definite attitude about her being "Chosen". Needless to say we didn't tell them (or most people for that matter) that we were considering that school and applied since I didn't want to hear that my child isn't special enough to be "Chosen". While at my Moms meeting this morning one of the other moms mentioned that the lottery had already taken place as her friend's son had been accepted. So I come home and called the school. Mia is 29 on the waiting list. They told me the letters would me mailed out soon. So while I had joked this morning that she'd be getting a rejection letter for her application to Kindergarten..... she really is. That is nuts! Now if she doesn't get into the other school I'll be really panicked but powerless to do anything about it. So goes most of my life.
Also, this morning it was good to see that I didn't poison a new member's children. I dropped off a Blueberry bread to her earlier this week to say "Welcome to the neighborhood" and I thought as I looked at the ingredients on my counter it was milk-free. I remembered she had said her kid's had a milk allergy so I dropped it off and made a point of telling her it was milk-free. As I lay in bed later that night I kept thinking, "how can that bread not have milk?". As I thought about it more it definitely does have milk. It calls for sour milk so I had the milk set aside to sour when I was glancing at the ingredients on my counter. So what I was really saying was, "Welcome to the neighborhood and let me try and kill your children". I was unbelievably relieved to see them all healthy this morning. When I tried to call and warn her there was no answer and I just had visions of them all at the hospital. So that's one stress that I can let go.