Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Girl Crazy!

Mia's last day of soccer was last night and it made me think of a video I shot last week. I was taking pictures of Mia and "her girls" at soccer and noticed Mason eyeing up his "girl". The last couple of weeks while Mia was in her soccer class Mason was entertained by two other little girls who must have had a sibling in Mia's class. They chased each other the whole time. The last 10 minutes of the class they let the parents and siblings come in to play. (This is the reason Mason has to go every week. He LOVES those 10 minutes). So while I'm looking for my kid's to take pictures I see Mason look for his girl and then beeline for her. Watch the video.

Also, when I was at Soccer I was the worst parent in the world. Every week Mason would end up hurting himself and some other adult would come to me carrying my crying child. Last week, he was playing with one of my friend's older son, Alex, (8) when Alex came running around the corner to tell me Mason needed me. As I'm calmly walking to where Alex came from... Alex, says "he fell on his head, he's hurt". Now I'm running. As I turn the corner there's a man surrounded by a bunch of other adults holding Mason as Mason is crying. I retrieve my child and am comforting him as Alex tells me they were at the top of the bleachers and Mason tripped then fell headfirst off the bleachers and onto the cement. He had just a little cut on his cheek and was fine minutes later. I can't believe he was so lucky. Later the same night he's playing with "his girls" on the bleachers and I tell him to get down, be careful. He says, "so I don't hurt the other cheek?" How about so you don't crack your head open! (I didn't say that just thought it). Yesterday, I'm talking to my friend while Mason is playing on the stairs (just 3 of them) about four feet away from me. All of a suddent this lady walks up to us carrying Mason and says, "is this your son?". She tells me he was stuck in the railing. Are you kidding me? Thank goodness soccer is over. I don't know if Mason could have survived it much longer.

Mia and her girls, Abby and Alyssa.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Mia's actual birthday

The presents were wrapped and waiting when she woke up in the morning. For some reason, even though she usually sleeps to 8:30-9ish she was up at the crack of dawn telling us it was her birthday. Her present from us was a "big girl" bike. Of course, I don't know if it's still considered a "big girl" bike when it has training wheels.

Later we packed up the cupcakes to take to school and headed out. It was snowing a LOT. I had told her we were going to eat at a restaurant that night since it was Ash Wednesday and Mike and I couldn't eat meat. I let the kids pick and will usually just make their favorite dinner however her favorites usually involve meat and I didn't feel like cooking twice.

Here she is dressed and ready for school. She said she was a "black birthday ninja"! Huh? OK. ...So after I drop the kids off at school I head to mass and the roads are really starting to get bad. By late afternoon all evening activities in the area are cancelling and Mike says, "no way, are we going out in that just to eat." Well, after I point out that I already told her we were going, I've got nothing ready to cook and I need to eat REAL SOON as I fasted all day (being the good Catholic) and can feel the headache coming on. We head out. Other than the weather it turned out to be a good day. She was happy so we were happy. Mason couldn't understand why she had more presents since he kept saying her birthday was over. (He means the party was days ago). He liked playing with her and her new toys though.
Note: I did go to the doctor today, you'll never guess. Hmmm. Sinus infection. Yep got antibiotics. I'll be thrilled to get that bill.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

SICK! I surrender!

Okay about 2 months ago the whole family was sick. Mike was worse than any of us and ended up taking some leftover antibiotics to get rid of it (there were 9 left for once a day). I seemed to get better on my own. Then about a week and a half after I "got better" I started getting huge headaches that initially would go away with sinus/congestion OTC stuff but then got progressively worse and I started throwing up. I was throwing up mucus though so I'm pretty sure it's not migraine headaches. I did try my migraine medicine though and nothing I tried helped. Flash back in my memory to Spring of 1994 when I was seemingly fine (no cold) and I started getting headaches so bad I had to pull the car off the road if I was driving. Not good considering I was in flight school at Ft. Rucker, AL learning to fly Army helicopters at the time. I finally went to the hospital and they took x-rays to make sure I didn't have some kind of brain tumor. What showed up on the x-ray though was a huge cloud in my sinuses that they diagnosed as Sinusitis and prescribed me antibiotics. That was that.
Back to the present. I posted a while back that I started taking some left over antibiotics and they worked. I could not get the perscription refilled without an evaluation so I just decided to see how it goes. So I take the rest and am again seemingly better. Thursday I wake up with a sore throat. I cannot believe the amount of mucus that is coming out of me. I feel like a drug addict that's been taking Mucinex, Advil, Tylonel head congestion, Nyquil, etc..... I give up I promise I'll call the doctor tomorrow. It just kills me to go in when and pay that much money when I know what the matter is but I've been sick for about 2 months. I'm ready to have a productive day already rather than just going through the motions. I'm sooo far behind in e-mails, house cleaning, correspondence with family, teaching my kids something, EXERCISE, my on going projects....... I guess to sum up I really behind in being a friend, a wife and a mom.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Too good to be true

I should have known it was too good to be true. Last fall around September was when Mason finally just clicked into the whole potty training thing. After months of keeping his pull-up dry all night I just switched to underwear at night and it never was an issue. Well, two weeks ago he pee'd my bed after he had climbed in sometime in the middle of the night. It was a little weird since he didn't even wake up since this is the kid that if he gets a drop of pee in his underwear freaks out. A few days ago I made him wear a pull-up to bed because I hadn't put his clean underwear in his drawer (still sitting in the laundry basket, clean but not put away) and he started crying about how diapers are for babies and he's a not a BABY.
I was a little ticked about the accident since of course our bed doesn't have the waterproof pad on it. In fact, I had moved the waterproof pad to the bed in Mia's room to the bed he usually sleeps in and there's not even a pad on the bed in his room. Of course the kids wanted to sleep in Mason's bed last night and about 5:30am Mia comes in crying that Mason pee'd the bed and got her jammies wet. His bed is totally soaked: sheets, comforter and mattress. I just hope I got it all out of the mattress. So after months of not even one accident it starts. I guess I need to go buy a mattress pad for just in case.

I had planned on posting about Mia's actual birthday (Ash Wednesday) and some hair bows that I made but the cold that I thought was gone turned into a pretty bad sinus infection and although I'm not "cold-like" sick I was almost bed-ridden with headaches and throwing up. I finally started taking some left-over antibiotics from the last time and I'm actually starting to get some hours of no pain. Our insurance really stinks so I've been avoiding going to the doctor's office since I'll end up paying a couple hundred dollars just to get antibiotics. It really sucks when you KNOW what's wrong with you but can't do anything to make yourself better. We'll see what happens on that front as I only had 7 pills left (2 a day) and will have to call the office to see if they will prescribe more to knock out the infection. I know I don't have a medical degree but when it's something I've had before and the pills are working.... I'm trusting my self-diagnosis.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mom jeans

I'm always on the hunt for a good pair of jeans. My favorite pair of jeans are over 10 years old and starting to wear at the seams. I have of course seen the Oprah show but I don't feel that a pair of jeans should cost almost $200. That being said if I tried on a pair of $200 jeans and it make me looke like a size 2 then I'd probably drop the money on them. My friend Susan told me that she heard the lighter color jeans are supposed to be coming back in style. I ran into the Gap last week and the lady working told me they were getting a bunch more colors that night so I asked her if it's true the lighter jeans were coming back. She said she didn't know but she said the high waist jeans are coming back. It made me think of this SNL skit Mom jeans. I don't want low cut and I don't want high waist..... why can't they make it in the middle. I think like keeping the average woman either looking like she's trying to be a teenager again (and the clothes clearly don't fit) or like I should join a shuffleboard tournament. Why should a good fitting jean be so ellusive? My loving husband the other day told me my "muffin top" has turned into a "loaf of bread". Think before you speak dear.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

what does THIS dancer say about YOU?

Left brain vs. right brain.

This is so weird. I know e-mailed this to most everyone after my SIL e-mailed it to me. When I first looked she would only go counter-clockwise and I couldn't make it switch. Then I opened it again to show Mike and he saw it going clockwise. We sat there and argued about it since we were watching it at the same time. I opened it again today and it was going clockwise. The more I stared at it the more it randomly switched direction. It's nice to know I use both sides of my brain. Also, kind of shock that my ANAL husband doesn't see it going counter-clockwise. Which are you?

Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Princess Party

This year Mia wanted to dress-up with her friends so we had a "party" Saturday. We only invited her "girlfrieds" and Mason was the lone male. I made flower cakes (forgot to take a picture of them), red punch, meatballs, a bowl of mixed fruit and every kids favorite- mac & cheese. We let them just play for awhile while us moms just sat around and talked. Gotta love it when the guest list includes your friends. Then we made crowns and wands. One little princess had to go home for a nap before we took the pictures but here are the rest of the little ladies with Prince Mason:

My SIL told me that whenever there is girls for a party there is ALWAYS drama. Thank Goodness we didn't have any of that! We did have a little prince pretending to be a monster chasing princesses and whacking them with his sword though.

There were times when Mason kind of questioned Mia's party. I'm not sure if he's putting together that she got a birthday party and he didn't. My poor Christmas Eve baby we'll do a half birthday party for you this summer so you can have at least one to remember.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Signs of non-active parenting

In our defense... Mike and I have been sick for almost the last 3 weeks. Two weekends ago was so bad it was like a movie marathon in our home. We were just so sick but the kids were fine. We were like, "How about a movie?".... two hours later, "How 'bout another movie?" and so on.
Yesterday Mia was watching a Wonderpets show and at the end the baby bee and mom bee were flying outside the hive.
Mia - "Where's the Daddy?".
Me- "I know he's probably working."
Mia- " I know! He's probably inside sitting on the couch watching TV".

Yikes! Do they really view us as deadbeats?

I'll post about the birthday madness tomorrow.