Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ladies Night Out (Oct 19th) this month was at Paint a Pot from 6-8 followed up by the Curragh at 8 til about 10:30. Paint a Pot was fun but was a bit like playing beat the clock. I was painting up to the last minute and definitely needed the beer (and good conversation) at the Curragh to bring me back to a calmer state.

Laura Pohl adding the finishing touches on her masterpiece.

Claudia's new Halloween Candy bowl, Awesome Baby!

Me pushing it to the last second.

Others that came to Paint-a-pot that I missed getting pics of: Carrie Rutkoski and Becky Loeprich.

At the Curragh (we forgot to take the picture until almost ready to go, sorry we missed you in the pic Claudia). From left: Laura Pohl, me, Becky Loeprich, Megan Macina, and Becky Karner.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

OK, just finished my first sewing project. Mia REALLY wanted to be a witch for Halloween and I couldn't find a costume I liked that was under $40 or not incredibly short for a 3 year old. I had cut out the neck too big but I think I fixed it well enough. Mason is to be a frog for Halloween (Thanks Shannon for the costume!) but I can't get him to even put it on. Mike thought if we can get him to wear it for a couple of days like pajamas to bed he'll get used to it but unfortunately he took it off. I'm not sure if we'll get a costume on him or not. Fabric was only $1.99 a yard and I used 2 and had a lot left over, plus I had to hem a lot so I got off pretty cheap. I just can't believe I took a piece of fabric and made it into a dress. Wonders never cease:)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Last Thursday I got to meet with my Aunt Ali and Uncle Cliff for a couple hours at McDonald's. They live in Florida (I haven't seen them in probably 8 years) and were traveling by on their way to my Cousin Greg in Mancelona. They had at least another 4 hours in the car to go so I was happy that they made the time to stop and visit if only for a short while. It was the first time for them to see Mia and Mason in person, lots of changes since the last time we saw each other. Time flew by and of course the visit was way too short to really catch up. The kids were starting to get a little cranky and fell asleep as I was pulling out of the parking lot. Hopefully, it won't be another 8 years before we get to meet again.